

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 16% komisijas procentu.

Atrastie priekšmeti
Boots Exc. Hurricane Boots 12 Bon.
Armors Exc. Sylphid Ray Armor 9 Bon.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Other 20 Bonuses 3 kkk Zen.
Boots Exc. Piercing Groove Boots 296.96 kk Zen.
Other 50 kkk Zen 580 Bon.
Swords Sword Breaker 77 Bon.
Shields Crimson Glory 77 Bon.
Other Elemental Talisman of Luck 14 Bon.
Boots Exc. Sate Boots 116 Bon.
Items Exc. Protection Ring 580 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Slayer Demonic Gloves 348 kk Zen.
Armors Exc. Volcano Armor 20.88 kkk Zen.
Pants Exc. Flash Pants 15 Bon.
Armors Exc. Valiant Armor 41 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Grand Viper Staff +15 174 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Shining Feather Magic Book +15 104 Bon.
Pants Exc. Glorious Pants 6 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Platina Staff +15 99 Bon.
Muun Kundun (E) 696 Bon.
Muun Aries (E) 696 Bon.
Muun Woody (E) 580 Bon.
Muun Woody (E) 580 Bon.
Muun Aries (E) 696 Bon.
Armors Exc. Adamantine Armor +15 35 Bon.
Wings Wings of Ruin +9 313 Bon.
Lances Exc. Prickle Lance 47.51 kk Zen.
Shields Exc. Dragon Shield 2.32 kkk Zen.
Pants Exc. Dragon Knight Pants 81 Bon.
Shields Exc. Grand Soul Shield +12 348 Bon.
Boots Gaion's Storm Crow Boots 6 Bon.
Pants Fidelity Pants 6 Bon.
Swords Rune Bastard Sword 6 Bon.
Wings Wings of Storm +9 450 Bon.
Pants Exc. Venom Mist Pants 23 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Eclipse Gloves 12 Bon.
Armors Exc. Eclipse Armor 12 Bon.
Armors Exc. Eclipse Armor 12 Bon.
Helms Exc. Eclipse Helm 17 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Round Gunner Gloves 23 Bon.
Boots Exc. Round Gunner Boots +9 17 Bon.

Apollo Prime