Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 16% komisijas procentu.
Atrastie priekšmeti |
Kategorija |
Priekšmets |
Pārdevējs |
Cena |
Helms |
Exc. Flash Helm |
12 Zen. |
Gloves |
Exc. Flash Gloves |
12 Zen. |
Armors |
Exc. Flash Armor |
12 Zen. |
Boots |
Exc. Flash Boots |
58 Bon. |
Wings |
Cloak of Death +9 |
3,480 Bon. |
Helms |
SH IK Silverheart Illusion Helm +11 |
3,480 Bon. |
Pants |
SH IK Silverheart Illusion Pants +9 |
3,480 Bon. |
Gloves |
SH IK Silverheart Illusion Gloves +9 |
3,480 Bon. |
Boots |
Exc. Brilliant Illusion Boots +11 |
3,480 Bon. |
Armors |
SH IK Silverheart Illusion Armor +11 |
3,480 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. PvP Manticore Blade +13 |
3,480 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Pendant of Ability |
3,480 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
3,480 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
3,480 Bon. |
Maces |
Exc. Holyangel Scepter +13 |
464 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Mage Kanaz Armor |
116 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Flame God |
2,900 Bon. |
Maces |
Emile's Elemental Runic Mace |
12 Bon. |
Armors |
Dorov's Gru Hill Armor |
17 Bon. |
Helms |
Exc. Eclipse Helm |
58 Bon. |
Helms |
Exc. Dark Steel Helm |
30 Bon. |
Boots |
Exc. Steel Plate Boots |
35 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Slayer Red Wing Armor |
162.4 kk Zen. |
Gloves |
Exc. Red Spirit Gloves |
58 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Red Spirit Armor |
58 Bon. |
Boots |
Exc. Iris Boots |
21 Bon. |
Gloves |
Exc. Eclipse Gloves |
148.48 kk Zen. |
Swords |
Exc. Fury Claw +13 |
783 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Holyangel Magic Sword +13 |
232 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Soul Sword +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Soul Sword +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Helms |
DA BK Darkangel Knight Helm +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Armors |
DA BK Darkangel Knight Armor +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Pants |
DA BK Darkangel Knight Pants +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Boots |
DA BK Darkangel Knight Boots +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Staffs |
Exc. Holy Angel Orb +13 |
580 Bon. |
Maces |
Exc. Crepuscular mace +13 |
1,044 Bon. |
Staffs |
Exc. Rebellion Orb |
232 Bon. |
Error |
Jewel of Luck |
174 Bon. |
Shields |
Exc. Elemental Shield +13 |
58 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Grand Soul Armor |
12 Bon. |
Helms |
Exc. Eclipse Helm |
7 Bon. |
Other |
Elemental Talisman of Chaos |
35 Bon. |
Pants |
Exc. Dark Soul Pants |
35 Bon. |
Items |
Guardian wing |
812 Bon. |
Boots |
Exc. Thunder Hawk Boots |
35 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Thunder Hawk Armor |
81 Bon. |
Muun |
Toy Robot +1 |
255 Bon. |
Items |
Cape of Lord |
290 Bon. |
Other |
Elemental Talisman of Luck x10 |
58 Bon. |