

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 16% komisijas procentu.

Atlikušais laiks
Exc. Shining Feather Magic Book DucPhuc 50 22.02.2025 14:00

Atrastie priekšmeti
Wings Black Cloak 244 Bon.
Swords Eplete's Double Blade 100 Bon.
Items Eplete's Ring of Fire 100 Bon.
Pants Eplete's Scale Pants 100 Bon.
Armors Eplete's Scale Armor 100 Bon.
Other Elemental Talisman of Chaos 35 Bon.
Swords Exc. Stormbreaker +13 1,100 Bon.
Wings Wings of Hit +9 850 Bon.
Bows Exc. Holyangel Magic Gun +13 230 Bon.
Bows Exc. Holyangel Magic Gun +13 230 Bon.
Wings Wings of Heaven +9 139 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Darkangel Staff +11 313 Bon.
Other 3 kkk Zen 71 Bon.
Wings Zen Box 24 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Steel Plate Gloves
93 Bon.
Pants Exc. Steel Plate Pants +13
139 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Steel Plate Gloves +13
174 Bon.
Armors Exc. Sate Armor 46 Bon.
Armors Exc. Princie Armor 35 Bon.
Pants Exc. Light Ray Pants 35 Bon.
Shields Exc. Elemental Shield +13 116 Bon.
Pants Exc. Dark Steel Pants 116 kk Zen.
Boots Exc. Demonic Boots +12 35 Bon.
Wings Wings of Heaven 17 Bon.
Armors Exc. Dark Steel Armor 15 Bon.
Armors Exc. Dark Master Armor 17 Bon.
Wings Wings of Dimension 684 Bon.
Maces Exc. Lord Scepter +10 116 Bon.
Swords Exc. Silver Blade +9 116 Bon.
Other 2 kkk Zen 50 Bon.
Muun Snow Fairy +1 348 Bon.
Muun Snow Fairy +1 348 Bon.
Muun Rainer +1 174 Bon.
Items Condor Flame 99 Bon.
Boots Perth's Mage Sphinx Boots 23 Bon.
Helms Exc. Red Wing Helm 26 Bon.
Shields Exc. Royal Protector +9 1,508 Bon.
Maces Exc. Royal Scepter +15 1,508 Bon.
Wings Wings of Condemnation 4,060 Bon.
Other Jewel of Soul x50 110 Bon.
Armors Exc. Hurricane Armor +7 43 Bon.
Items Fragment of Horn 157 Bon.
Armors Exc. Sunlight Armor 23 Bon.
Armors Exc. Mage Kanaz Armor 23 Bon.
Armors Exc. Steel Plate Armor 23 Bon.
Helms Exc. Sunlight Helm 23 Bon.
Other RUUD Box [10000] 70 Bon.
Helms Exc. Legendary Helm 116 kk Zen.
Items Loch's Feather 29 Bon.
Items Loch's Feather 29 Bon.

Titan King Apollo Prime