
Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players who reached the highest Ashy points score in the current week.

Top resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT+2:00 top leaders will receive prizes and bonuses.

Ashy Aida Ranking
1 Bankstown High Guncrusher 218294 Garudas Feather
2 NeppySappy Slaughterer 198422 Pierce Lions Seal
3 GietTG High Guncrusher 186986 MUX Legend box
4 XiTocDo Dimension Summoner 133524 100 Bon
5 Jinzz Magic Knight 132994 90 Bon
6 Bombshell Slaughterer 131066 80 Bon
7 BFRN Noble Elf 115232 70 Bon
8 DeviL Slaughterer 109425 60 Bon
9 braduc Mystic Knight 106728 50 Bon
10 EoEo Noble Elf 103986 40 Bon
11 Draziw Majestic Rune Wizard 103152 30 Bon
12 carapus Slaughterer 100887 25 Bon
13 zpepiroth Mystic Knight 100173 20 Bon
14 carapus5y Noble Elf 98306 15 Bon
15 Humay Noble Elf 93410 10 Bon
16 Arceus Luminous Wizard 86692 5 Bon
17 AgilityWiz Soul Wizard 83672 5 Bon
18 SeRioS Noble Elf 81046 5 Bon
19 i-W-A-P-i Magic Knight 80850 5 Bon
20 Torjak Empire Lord 80124 5 Bon