

Aqui você pode trocar seus itens com segurança em troca de moedas de ouro (Zen) ou bônus de jogo (Bonuses), então antes de comprar um determinado item você obtém uma descrição confiável, então você está seguro contra fraudes. Todas as vendas no mercado estão sujeitas a taxas de 16%.

Itens encontrados
Other Jewel of Bless x50 52 Bon.
Wings Jewel of Chaos x50 19 Bon.
Other Jewel of Soul x50 52 Bon.
Other Jewel of Life x50 46 Bon.
Wings Wings of Despair +15 116 Bon.
Wings Cape of Fighter 43 Bon.
Wings Black Cloak 43 Bon.
Muun Trive +1 174 Bon.
Muun Mino +1 174 Bon.
Muun Snow Fairy +1 116 Bon.
Muun Snow Fairy +1 116 Bon.
Helms SH GL Silverheart Lancer Helm 174 Bon.
Boots Exc. Brilliant Wizard Boots +13 348 Bon.
Armors Exc. Eclipse Armor 6 Bon.
Helms Exc. Grand Soul Helm +9 35 Bon.
Wings Rage Earring (R) 116 Bon.
Wings Rage Earring (R) 116 Bon.
Armors Exc. Grand Soul Armor 12 Bon.
Other 2 kkk Zen 29 Bon.
Other 2 kkk Zen 29 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Venom Mist Gloves 46 Bon.
Wings Errtel of Radiance +9 1,160 Bon.
Items Exc. Ring of Magic 174 Bon.
Items Exc. Ring of Ultimatum 139 Bon.
Pants SL DL Soul Lord Pants 232 Bon.
Pants Exc. Dragon Knight Pants 24 Bon.
Boots Exc. Ancient Boots 243.27 kk Zen.
Other Sculpture x10 13 Bon.
Armors Exc. Volcano Armor 280 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Volcano Gloves +9 280 Bon.
Pants Exc. Volcano Pants 280 Bon.
Boots Exc. Volcano Boots 280 Bon.
Armors Exc. Volcano Armor 30 Bon.
Pants Exc. Dark Master Pants 34 Bon.
Pants Exc. Valiant Pants 21 Bon.
Helms Exc. Venom Mist Helm 12 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Volcano Gloves 17 Bon.
Other Jewel of Bless x50 58 Bon.
Pants Exc. Sylphid Ray Pants 17 Bon.
Boots Exc. Brilliant White Wizard Boots 35 Bon.
Boots Exc. Sylphid Ray Boots +14 174 Bon.
Helms Exc. PvP Holy Spirit Helm +15 81 Bon.
Boots Exc. Holy Spirit Boots +15 81 Bon.
Helms Exc. Dragon Knight Helm +15 928 Bon.
Armors Exc. Venom Mist Armor +15 928 Bon.
Wings Storm's Wings +9 1,740 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Slayer Demonic Gloves 928 kk Zen.
Boots Exc. Storm Jahad Boots 1.04 kkk Zen.
Armors Exc. Storm Jahad Armor 1.1 kkk Zen.
Boots Exc. Dark Master Boots 812 kk Zen.

King Apollo Prime