Aqui você pode trocar seus itens com segurança em troca de moedas de ouro (Zen) ou bônus de jogo (Bonuses), então antes de comprar um determinado item você obtém uma descrição confiável, então você está seguro contra fraudes. Todas as vendas no mercado estão sujeitas a taxas de 16%.
Itens encontrados |
Categoria |
Item |
Vendedor |
Preço |
Other |
Jewel of Life x50 |
35 Bon. |
Other |
Talisman of Chaos Assembly |
151 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Silk Armor |
9 Bon. |
Pants |
Exc. Guardian Pants |
23 Bon. |
Wings |
Pure White Cloak |
12 Bon. |
Gloves |
Exc. Sylphid Ray Gloves |
29 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Despair |
116 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Despair |
81 Bon. |
Wings |
Cloak of Limit |
81 Bon. |
Other |
Fragment of Radiance slot (4) |
174 Bon. |
Items |
Fragment of Horn |
348 Bon. |
Muun |
Woody +1 |
290 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
232 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
232 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Knight Blade |
100 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Knight Blade |
100 Bon. |
Other |
Jewel of Life x50 |
45 Bon. |
Wings |
Black Cloak |
139 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Darkness +9 |
174 Bon. |
Bows |
Exc. Holyangel Magic Gun +13 |
232 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Dragon |
1,160 Bon. |
Swords |
Exc. Crystall Dagger +13 |
2,900 Bon. |
Wings |
Wings of Spirit +9 |
1,740 Bon. |
Shields |
Exc. Cross Shield +13 |
2,320 Bon. |
Maces |
Exc. El Hazard Mace |
116 kk Zen. |
Pants |
Exc. Dark Phoenix Pants |
93 Bon. |
Staffs |
Exc. Holyangel Stick +13 |
278 Bon. |
Armors |
Exc. Flash Armor |
37 Bon. |
Pants |
HA DW Holyangel Wizard Pants +11 |
3,132 Bon. |
Helms |
HA DW Holyangel Wizard Helm +11 |
3,132 Bon. |
Gloves |
HA DW Holyangel Wizard Gloves +11 |
3,132 Bon. |
Armors |
HA DW Holyangel Wizard Armor +11 |
3,132 Bon. |
Helms |
Exc. Slayer Demonic Helm |
58 Bon. |
Staffs |
Exc. Rebellion Orb +13 |
1,740 Bon. |
Helms |
Dragon Helm +10 |
6.08 kk Zen. |
Armors |
Storm Crow Armor +11 |
15.2 kk Zen. |
Bows |
Entropy Gun +8 |
6.08 kk Zen. |
Helms |
Gru Hill Helm +8 |
6.08 kk Zen. |
Helms |
Gru Hill Helm +10 |
6.08 kk Zen. |
Muun |
Toy Robot +1 |
150 Bon. |
Wings |
Black Cloak |
93 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
350 Bon. |
Items |
Exc. Ring of Magic |
350 Bon. |
Maces |
Exc. Crepuscular mace +13 |
1,044 Bon. |
Shields |
Exc. Pluma Shield |
30 Bon. |
Items |
Dark Spirit |
58 Bon. |
Armors |
Emile's Mage Pad Armor |
6 Bon. |
Maces |
Surt's Great Scepter |
6 Bon. |
Wings |
Cape of Emperor +9 |
1,392 Bon. |
Helms |
Exc. Dark Steel Helm +13 |
2,320 Bon. |