

Here you can safely trade your items in exchange for gold coins (Zen) or game bonuses (Bonuses), so before buying a certain item you get a reliable description, so you are insured against fraud. All sales in the market are subject to 16% fees.

Found items
Pants Exc. Dark Steel Pants +9 232 Bon.
Helms Exc. Dark Steel Helm +9 232 Bon.
Gloves Exc. Dark Steel Gloves +9 232 Bon.
Armors Exc. Dark Steel Armor +9 232 Bon.
Other Talisman of Luck 30 Bon.
Other Jewel of Creation x26 23 Bon.
Other Jewel of Life x50 60 Bon.
Other Jewel of Soul x42 70 Bon.
Other Jewel of Bless x32 50 Bon.
Lances Exc. Justicar's Lance 348 Bon.
Items Guardian wing 580 Bon.
Items Fragment of Horn 232 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Blue Moon Orb 9 Bon.
Items Golden Sentence x50 232 Bon.
Wings Zen Box 29 Bon.
Wings Zen Box 29 Bon.
Wings Zen Box 29 Bon.
Staffs Brilliant Rebellion Magic Book +13 174 Bon.
Helms Exc. Mage Pad Helm 1 kkk Zen.
Maces Exc. Battle Scepter 10.44 kk Zen.
Gloves Exc. Vine Gloves 12 Bon.
Maces Surt's Great Scepter 6 Bon.
Boots Anubis's Legendary Boots 10 Bon.
Armors Exc. Mage Sphinx Armor 35 Bon.
Pants Eplete's Scale Pants 10 Bon.
Wings Cloak of Limit 249 Bon.
Pants Exc. Leather Gunner Pants 28 Bon.
Armors Exc. Iris Armor 35 Bon.
Staffs Htrep's Myotis Orb 35 Bon.
Armors Exc. Sacred Fire Armor 162.4 kk Zen.
Armors Exc. Sphinx Armor 7 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Cursed Stick 116 Bon.
Armors Exc. Alchemist Spirit Armor 81.2 kk Zen.
Staffs Exc. Atomic Elixir 58 Bon.
Shields Exc. Grand Soul Shield 93 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Rebellion Magic Book +9 197 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Darkangel Staff +11 119 Bon.
Staffs Exc. Darkangel Staff +7 99 Bon.
Helms Exc. Bone Helm 6 Bon.
Helms Exc. Eclipse Helm 6 Bon.
Other Fragment of Radiance slot (1) 174 Bon.
Items Exc. Pendant of Ability 45 Bon.
Items Exc. Pendant of Water 44 Bon.
Items Exc. Pendant of Water 46 Bon.
Boots Exc. Dragon Boots 23 Bon.
Other Elemental Talisman of Chaos 93 Bon.
Other Talisman Element Change 232 Bon.
Helms Exc. Adamantine Helm 81.66 kk Zen.
Staffs Exc. Shining Feather Magic Book 84 Bon.
Error Jewel of Luck 232 Bon.

King Apollo Prime