
King Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players who feeded lottery the most during the current week and did not win any of the main prizes (Jackpot, Group 1).

You can participate in the rating again after winning.

Top resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT+2:00, rewards are credited after 30 minutes and top leaders will receive prizes in the form of lottery tickets. The number of tickets depends on the total number of tickets used on the server during the week.

Total amount of lottery tickets used this week: 5379

Lottery Resilience Rankings
1 Rebels -Hopeless- Rune Grand Master 400 108 + 80  Offline
2 Rebels DCMM Blade Master 320 81 + 48  Online
3 WoDs Faithless Noble Elf 305 54 + 31  Online
4 KINGDOM LieuNhuYen High Elf 260 Online
5 KINGDOM Profeta Lord Emperor 250 Online
6 KINGDOM BabydntCry Mirage Lancer 217 Online
7 Rebels Bublick Grand Master 161 Online
8 TPQPAppl TPApple Grand Master 113 Online
9 TheKing BeoBuBam Dual Master 112 Online
10 WoDs MiniPisia Mirage Lancer 109 Online
11 TheKing MikeXD Archmage 109 Offline
12 WoDs Bover Illusion Master 106 Online
13 - 2ndBOT Gun Breaker 104 Online
14 KINGDOM KING Illusion Master 104 Online
15 WoDs IPUGI Lord Emperor 93 Online
16 Rebels Jaeger Dual Master 81 Online
17 TheKing ThenEnd Grand Master 79 Offline
18 Shadows Simple Soul Master 78 Online
19 WoDs VERSACE Shine Wizard 78 Online
20 TheKing Everest Lord Emperor 61 Online
21 Apple Lottery200 High Elf 56 Online
22 TheKing GABRIEL Shine Wizard 54 Online
23 FATALITY Cobra Grand Master 50 Online
24 WoDs Miron High Elf 49 Online
25 - KyBaDat Rage Fighter 42 Offline
26 TheKing MelodasKey Shine Wizard 31 Online
27 KINGDOM Behavy High Elf 24 Online
28 TheKing SonGoKu Illusion Master 19 Online
29 - Buong Muse Elf 17 Offline
30 FATALITY SlowDeath High Elf 15 Online