
King Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players who scored the most in the Devil Square 7 daily event in the current week.

Top resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT+2:00 top leaders will receive prizes in the form of bonuses.

Devil Square Rankings
1 Valhalla I7ATPOH Darkness Wizard 13605375 35 Online
2 FlameUP Overdose Phantom Pain Knight 6929759 30 Online
3 ORDER66 SirD Glory Wizard 6196613 25 Online
4 Newbie Jinzz Duple Knight 6058502 20 Online
5 Newbie Totsuda Glory Wizard 5926553 15 Online
6 - -Aspect- Magic Knight 5016479 15 Offline
7 Valhalla BEgbMA Mystic Mage 4328093 15 Online
8 NuKe Abelma Infinity Rune Wizard 4062358 15 Online
9 ORDER66 -Ritz- Darkness Wizard 3896620 15 Online
10 FlameUP Bankstown Magnus Gun Crusher 3854494 15 Online
11 NuKe Sn4KeEyes Royal Elf 3790733 10 Online
12 FlameUP Eskymo Phantom Pain Knight 3569806 10 Online
13 FlameUP Angelica Infinity Rune Wizard 3567333 10 Online
14 FlameUP SexyLady Infinity Rune Wizard 3469529 10 Online
15 DeaD PainkiIIer Soul Wizard 3200885 10 Offline
16 FlameUP Demoleta Noble Elf 3087320 5 Online
17 FlameUP Emind Royal Elf 2975105 5 Offline
18 Newbie xAriesx Royal Elf 2791223 5 Online
19 Newbie Oteki Slaughterer 2704245 5 Online
20 Valhalla Szeregowy Duple Knight 2430617 5 Online