
Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players who scored the most victories in Chaos Castle 7 daily event in the current week.

Top resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT+2:00 top leaders will receive prizes in the form of bonuses.

Chaos Castle Rankings
1 HUNTER Arceus Luminous Wizard 15 35 Offline
2 ORDER66 STFU Dragon Knight 7 30 Online
3 - Tequilaa High Guncrusher 6 25 Offline
4 HUNTER Aros Luminous Wizard 5 20 Offline
5 Legends Petunija Dimension Summoner 5 15 Online
6 NuKe BeMe Soul Wizard 3 15 Online
7 ORDER66 Demonyca Noble Elf 3 15 Online
8 ORDER66 Duarda Soul Wizard 3 15 Offline
9 - Cognac High Guncrusher 2 15 Offline
10 ORDER66 zpepiroth Mystic Knight 2 15 Offline
11 NuKe odecit Soul Wizard 2 10 Online
12 Legends Aedrian Noble Elf 2 10 Offline
13 NuKe Abelma Majestic Rune Wizard 1 10 Offline
14 ORDER66 ADracul Slaughterer 1 10 Online
15 ZEENA Theoden Empire Lord 1 10 Offline
16 - Runeew Majestic Rune Wizard 1 5 Offline
17 NuKe Sn4KeEyes Noble Elf 0 5 Online
18 SegaX100 Jinzz Magic Knight 0 5 Offline
19 - Hysteria Dragon Knight 0 5 Online
20 Legends Sunsetpimp Soul Wizard 0 5 Offline