
King Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players whose referals got the most resets in the current month.

Top resets on the first day of the month at 00:00 GMT+2:00 and the leaders of the rating will receive prizes in the form of bonuses.

Referral Rankings
1 NuKe RHCP Royal Elf 120 40 Online
2 Warrior MUhanoi Duple Knight 95 35 Online
3 METEORA Selecta Rogue Slayer 61 30 Online
4 - ? Dark Wizard 59 25 Offline
5 AHAPXuCT tigiNa Magnus Gun Crusher 51 20 Offline
6 ORDER66 Overdose Phantom Pain Knight 30 19 Online
7 BblEbEM HuLiGaN Darkness Wizard 9 18 Offline
8 NuKe Abelma Infinity Rune Wizard 4 17 Offline
9 AHAPXuCT FaInY Slaughterer 4 16 Offline
10 AHAPXuCT PEBOJlbBEP Force Emperior 3 15 Online
11 - - - - 14 Offline
12 - - - - 13 Offline
13 - - - - 12 Offline
14 - - - - 11 Offline
15 - - - - 10 Offline
16 - - - - 5 Offline
17 - - - - 5 Offline
18 - - - - 5 Offline
19 - - - - 5 Offline
20 - - - - 5 Offline