
King Apollo Prime

Here are displayed the most active and determined players who reached the highest level in the Evomun system in the current week.

Top resets every Monday at 00:00 GMT+2:00 top leaders will receive prizes in the form of bonuses.

Evomun Ranking
Evomun Level
1 DIAHA Noble Elf 26 0 3
2 okcu Noble Elf 15 0 2
3 MagicSoul Darkness Wizard 14 0 1
4 Queena Royal Elf 14 0 1
5 SatThuMu- Glory Wizard 13 0 1
6 Cringe Slaughterer 12 35 0
7 TieuTieu Shining Lancer 12 30 0
8 Faithless Soul Wizard 11 25 0
9 Nympho Royal Elf 10 20 0
10 VooDoo Soul Wizard 10 15 0
11 YeKuz Phantom Pain Knight 10 15 0
12 Befooz High Guncrusher 8 15 0
13 Extreme Darkness Wizard 8 15 0
14 Ongbo3con Dragon Knight 8 15 0
15 Ranni Infinity Rune Wizard 8 15 0
16 Kliopa Mystic Knight 7 10 0
17 SM888 Endless Summoner 7 10 0
18 Skos Darkness Wizard 7 10 0
19 NuChienEF Noble Elf 6 10 0
20 BlackLord Force Emperior 5 10 0