King | Apollo | Prime |
General statistics |
Server | Apollo x200 |
Server status | Online |
Server online | 260 days |
Clients | 136 |
Clients for 24 hours | 176 |
Clients for the week | 486 |
Clients for the month | 808 |
Accounts | 76,323 |
Characters | 10,127 |
Guilds | 79 |
Version | Season 20 |
Active lots | 130 |
Total sold | 3,005 |
Zen turnover | 127,062,948,769 |
Bonuses turnover | 139,791 |
Daily Zen turnover | 14 |
Daily Bonuses turnover | 113 |
Active lots | 1 |
Total sold | 87 |
Bonuses turnover | 2,130 |
Daily Bonuses turnover | 0 |
Castle Siege |
Castle owner | FUTURE | ||
Siege time | 18:00 26.01.2025 |
Chronology of cycles |
Registered guilds | Move mouse | ||
Daily Zen income | 0 | ||
Daily Bonuses income | 1 | ||
Weekly Zen income | |||
Weekly Bonuses income | |||
Bonuses for the winner this week | |||
Bonuses for the second place this week |
Crywolf |
Fortress status | Captured (Defeat) |
Attack time | 18:45 Wednesday |
Classes |
Dark Wizards | 1046 (10.33%) |
Dark Knights | 1622 (16.02%) |
Fairy Elfs | 1298 (12.82%) |
Magic Gladiators | 714 (7.05%) |
Dark Lords | 863 (8.52%) |
Summoners | 478 (4.72%) |
Rage Fighters | 322 (3.18%) |
Grow Lancers | 537 (5.3%) |
Rune Wizards | 268 (2.65%) |
Slayers | 611 (6.03%) |
Gun Crushers | 478 (4.72%) |
White Mages | 516 (5.1%) |
Lemuria Mages | 180 (1.78%) |
Illusion Knights | 400 (3.95%) |
Alchemists | 14 (0.14%) |
Location |
Legends Arena | 139 (1.37%) |
Lorencia | 4,324 (42.7%) |
Noria | 763 (7.53%) |
Devias | 2,061 (20.35%) |
Elbeland | 434 (4.29%) |
Dungeon | 168 (1.66%) |
Lost Tower | 495 (4.89%) |
Atlans | 284 (2.8%) |
Tarkan | 344 (3.4%) |
Icarus | 136 (1.34%) |
Aida | 136 (1.34%) |
Kanturu | 217 (2.14%) |
Karutan | 115 (1.14%) |
Acheron | 103 (1.02%) |
Swamp of Calmness | 21 (0.21%) |
Raklion | 9 (0.09%) |
Ferea | 3 (0.03%) |
Nixie Lake | 4 (0.04%) |
Deep Dungeon | 40 (0.39%) |
Swamp of Darkness | 3 (0.03%) |
Kubera Mine | 9 (0.09%) |
Scorched Canyon | 6 (0.06%) |
Red Smoke Icarus | 46 (0.45%) |
Old Kethotum | 4 (0.04%) |
Loren Deep | 33 (0.33%) |
Crywolf | 44 (0.43%) |
Vulcanus | 13 (0.13%) |
Loren Market | 89 (0.88%) |
Ashy Aida | 30 (0.3%) |
VIP Arena | 54 (0.53%) |
PK level |
Commoner | 10,042 (99.16%) |
Warned | 67 (0.66%) |
Murder | 4 (0.04%) |
Phonoman | 14 (0.14%) |